Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Fixer

By Zamboni

Joe Biden's win in South Carolina last night was so overwhelming that "Biden's VP" is trending on Twitter. While that's a little bit premature, team, it's still worth thinking about. And over the last few hours, we cats have been giving some consideration to different kind of Joe Biden appointment.

Nope, not the Supreme Court or Attorney General, although those two will loom large if a Democrat wins in November. We're thinking of somebody who could oversee all the repairs that will need to be done to the US government after the disaster that is Trump.

Benedict Donald has run our government into the ground like it's one of his casinos. The State Department is hollowed out. DOJ is a politicized mess. The CDC and pandemic programs have been slashed and trashed. America's national security team is being purged. And hardly anyone has a permanent boss — not Homeland Security, not FEMA, not Labor — there are so many "Actings."

Just like the economy, the Republicans have broken the government and now we Democrats will have to fix it. Putting competent, patriotic Americans in the Cabinet will be a good start. But since things have gotten so bad under Trump, the next President — whichever Democrat that is — will need to appoint a federal-government-fixing "czar": someone who can ensure that resumes are vetted, positions are filled, and the wheels of Washington can get oiled and churning again.

May we suggest a few candidates? Martin O'Malley and Terry McAuliffe are both former Governors who, while they were in office, had thousands of constituents who were federal employees. Their executive experience would make them top-notch candidates for this job. They're each the kind of person who would inspire confidence in a newly inaugurated Democratic President.

One more thought: Ron Klain, who ran the Obama Administration's Ebola response, also has a keen sense of how the departments and agencies need to — and should — work. But he may be busy: Coronavirus is calling. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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