Thursday, March 5, 2020

Old Dominion To-Do List

By Baxter

Before we dive into one more Super Tuesday look-back, we're honored to announce that the Ken Mehlman Award will be given to former Republican Congressman Aaron Schock, who just (finally) admitted what the rest of the world already knew: He's gay.

Aaron, of course, had a wildly anti-LGBT voting record. But he wasn't fooling anybody. The minute he decorated his House office like it was Downton Abbey, well... we're schocked, schocked.

But back to Super Tuesday. As former residents of the Commonwealth, we cats are still lapping up the Virginia results. The state's exploding turnout and its solid shift to Joe Biden is just something you don't see every day, and it's going to matter in November. In the words of an aide to former GOP Governor "Transvaginal Bob" McDonnell, "For many voters in Virginia, Joe Biden may represent a safe place to go to register their dislike for the current occupant of the White House."

Assuming Biden goes on to become our nominee (and maybe even if he's not), it'll be a stunner if Democrats don't win Virginia again in the fall. Hillary carried it in 2016, and it's just gotten more Democratic since. It's no longer a purple state. Color it blue.

So here's the list of what Biden's Virginia state coordinator has to do over the next few months. It's pretty uncomplicated.

1. First, the obvious: Carry the state for Biden-Harris (or Biden-Abrams) (or Biden-Booker) (or Biden-Whoever).

2. Protect the moderate, national-security House Democrats who were elected in 2018, like Abigail Spanberger and Elaine Luria. They came out in favor of impeachment on principle. Send them back to Congress.

3. Defeat our former Congressman, Republican Rob Wittman, in Virginia-01. We didn't call him Twitman for nothing.

4. Send 10,000 volunteers from southern Virginia over the border and into North Carolina to campaign for Biden.

5. Send 10,000 more volunteers from Northern Virginia up Route 15 into Pennsylvania, to knock doors for Biden there.

Those last two items are especially important, and if the current situation holds up, Biden's Virginia state coordinator will most likely have the luxury to do them. We cats PURR.

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