Friday, March 20, 2020

Maybe You Shouldn't Be In The Country: Republicans Don't Care About You

By Baxter

Have you noticed the right-wing and Trumpy voices trying to tamp down criticism of Dear Leader by saying "Now is not the time for partisan politics," or "Let's not revisit the past, let's focus on the present and the future"?

Humph. "Now is not the time" means that now is definitely the time. And we cannot focus on the right things to do, now and for the future, unless we recognize the screw-ups that have happened in the past. And oh, there are so many. (See Dr. Fauci's body language, above.)

Example: "US intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the spread of the pathogen, according to US officials familiar with spy agency reporting," The Washington Post reports.

Not only did they "play down" the pandemic — Republicans sold stock and cashed in. In one GOP Senator's case, she bought stock in the company that makes telework software. Gee, how'd she know that?

These Republicans are despicable. Their actions are indefensible. But it could help explain why no Republicans have yet stood up meaningfully to Trump.

It's because they are just like him. They don't give a rat's ass about anybody but themselves. And Trump, by being his awful, vile, subhuman and incapable-of-empathy self, gives them cover to be just as awful, vile, subhuman and incapable-of-empathy as he is. Perhaps with not as many people noticing.

We don't predict sweeping political deaths lightly. But we're really beginning to wonder if there will be a Republican Party after 2020. Or will they break up into the Whigs and the Know Nothings? Either way, Democrats will be able to run against Trump for decades longer than we were able to run against Herbert Hoover. We cats PURR.

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