Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: "We Have Nothing To Fear But Trump Himself" Edition

By Sniffles

So much coronavirus news to catch up on, and so many dollars lost from our stock portfolio. Although what goes down generally goes back up, this Wall Street wreckage is due to sheer Trumpian incompetence, and we cats are furious. Here are a few other COVID-19-related thoughts that our occupying us this dispiriting morning.

Gee. It looks like disbanding the National Security Council's global health security team and cutting the Centers for Disease Control's global disease outbreak budget by 80 percent were not good ideas. But we all need to remember (and journalists and talking heads must constantly remind us) that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT TRUMP DID.

Somebody in Trumpworld needs to explain why not having a stupid and useless border wall is a national emergency, but not being able to test Americans for coronavirus isn't.

If MAGA fools around the country want to think this is all a hoax and are refusing to take steps to stay healthy, let them. Two possible upsides of a pandemic are less pollution and fewer Trump voters.

Finally, Vice President Biden is going to speak about the outbreak today at 1 PM. It's becoming clear that Trump is so awful, he's forcing us to abandon the rule that the country only has one President at a time. The last time this happened was in 2008-2009, when the previous Worst Person Who's Ever Lived crashed the economy and Democrats had to ride to the rescue: Barack Obama tended to the crises at home, while Hillary Clinton mended fences abroad.

Everything Republicans touch dies. We cats HISS.

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