Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bob Blinks

By Zamboni

Imagine that this gloved hand is Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's, penetrating you with a transvaginal probe whether you liked it or not, and all because you had the temerity to seek the Constitutionally protected right to a safe and legal abortion.

Well, apparently Bob McDonnell himself couldn't even imagine it. Because he's waffled on signing the state-sponsored-rape bill that the Virginia House of Delegates has been preparing to send him for simply days now. He just couldn't see himself signing that bill and getting picked to run for Vice President this year.

(We cats have a little advice for Balky Bob: Watch your right flank, because the anti-choicers will be after you with a vengeance. And oh, by the way, the 2012 Republican nomination for Vice President? It probably won't be worth a lot. Just sayin'.)

So — what are we left with here? Chaos in Richmond, to be sure, but also the certain, and disturbing, knowledge that the only thing standing between an innocent woman and institutionalized rape in Virginia is a holy roller who wrote a college thesis on how women should remain at home popping babies every 11 months. Pretty scary.

Our sole consolation is how badly female voters will punish Republicans this fall. On that note, we cats PURR.

UPDATE: The Virginia House of Delegates has passed a bill calling for an transabdominal ultrasound, instead of the dreaded internal probe. Hey, Republican idiots! We cats have news for you: The transabdominal procedure is unacceptable, too. It's an invasion of privacy and we can't wait for someone to challenge it in court. Meanwhile, just because you watered this horrible legislation down, don't think that your Governor will escape forever being known as "Transvaginal Bob."

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