Saturday, February 11, 2012

We Figured We'd Better Make Up a Song About Newt Before He Crashes and Burns for Good

I'm Newtie G. the First, I am,
Newtie G. the First I am (I am).

I've been married to two women before
But couldn't go to hospices, not — any more.

'Cause everyone had a malady! (Malady!)
Why should I deal with cancer or MS? (Or MS!)

Callista's my third, tempor-arily,
Newtie G. the First, I am.

(Second verse, different from the first!)

I'm Newtie G. the First, I am,
Gonna put the Spanish on the moon, I am.

Think I'll send the gays to go up there, too,
This way Earth is perfect for just me and you.

'Cause everyone is an enemy! (Enemy!)
Diversity's really just a drag. (It's a drag!)

My future has two terms, it's destiny.
Newtie G. the First, I am.

(MUSIC: Sung to the tune of "Henery the Eighth I Am," of course.)

(LYRICS: Actually, we can't claim them as our own. But see "Oh, How Sad" [photo, right].)

(IMAGE: Borrowed from this guy, who loves Nixon. Kind of appropriate.)

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