Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let's Fight ALL The Old Culture Wars

By Zamboni

Feeling like you're in a time warp lately?

The members of the 2012 Republican clown college have apparently decided it's not enough to scream about that quintessential 1970s issue, abortion. Now they're turning the clock all the way back to 1960s with their inexplicable assault on birth control. (Is that a losing issue, or what? Only to be surpassed by that futile right-wing boycott of Starbucks. Yeah, that'll happen.)

Well, we cats say, "Chickenhawks, beware!" Because all this silliness has given us an idea.

If the Republicans insist on re-opening these ancient and long-settled cultural issues, we counter by demanding that the question of draft dodging be once again brought to the fore. No, we're not talking about Bill Clinton. Instead, we'd like to ask a whole passel of prominent Republicans who are old enough to have served in Viet Nam where the hell they were, and what the hell they did.

For example, what was that Dick Cheney said, about having had "other priorities" back then? How about Karl Rove? And don't forget Willard Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell and Fred Thompson. (Not to mention the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived, who, as we know, spent the war flying reconnaissance over Iowa.) More recently, howzabout John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Jeb Bush, George Allen and Rick "Don't Google My Name" Santorum?

Don't rush to research these names, folks. The answer in all cases is easy: They did not serve.

Yep, we cats are ready to re-argue this question. We hope the chickenhawks are!

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