Thursday, November 17, 2016


By Zamboni

We cats are heading up to Canada pretty soon, and as you can imagine, we are counting the hours. We're wondering how the Customs agent at the border will react when we ask if we can stay. (Our apologies, John Oliver: We know you said that option was off the table.)

One thing we won't have to worry about, though, is whether "The Star-Spangled Banner" will be booed at the hockey game we'll attend on Tuesday night. Because it's Montreal versus Ottawa. Whew.

Meanwhile, the spirit might not be quite so sporting down south. The NFL is bracing itself for boos and worse when Texas and Oakland play in Mexico City on Monday. "I will be booing the bad parts of America," said one young ticket holder. "Trump, intolerance, racism, how some people feel towards Mexicans."

This makes us cats really sad. We've always had an appreciation for our country's reputation in the world, and we care what non-Americans think. It's depressing to imagine that the new Worst Person Who's Ever Lived is the face that will be conjured in people's minds when they hear the name "United States." And how proud we would have been to have Hillary Clinton representing us abroad.

Even more dismal: Reported incidents of harassment and intimidation against Muslims, gays and Latinos in the US have zoomed since November 8. The haters feel emboldened, don't they? Yes, we know that stuff like that even happens in Canada. But we say to the NFL fans in Mexico: Go ahead and boo. We cats will be HISSING.

P.S. We can't end this post on a sorrowful note. So... Happy Birthday, Gov! We wish you a continued long first life and, of course, eight more. And we PURR.

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