Monday, November 7, 2016


By Sniffles

Over the course of our nine lives, we cats have been privileged to have our paths cross with Janet Reno's. So we had word from friends this weekend that Janet's life, to borrow a phrase usually associated with the passing of kings, was moving peacefully to its close.

The news that she has now quietly left the planet makes us sad. But it's also inspired us to redouble our efforts to get out the vote today and tomorrow. We're pretty sure that the nation's first female Attorney General would admonish us not to miss a beat in electing our first woman President.

Meanwhile, we're savoring fond memories, including a flight 20 years ago on which she folded all six feet of herself into a coach seat. (That was Janet to a T... utterly without a sense of entitlement, which, these days, is pretty refreshing.) But the one we're thinking of most is our visit to her Washington office in the spring of 2000, where we saw, propped up frameless on her desk, a snapshot of Elian Gonzalez and his dad — smiling and together again after a ridiculous political nightmare that Janet had navigated with skill and grace.

Sigh. Vaya con Dios, General Reno. We hope you're already loving that big Dance Party in the Sky. We cats salute you, and we PURR.

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