Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Mitch's Math Is DOA

By Sniffles

We cats are just as agog as everyone else about Donald Drumpf's suicidal firing of FBI Director James "Thanks, Comey" Comey — but today our minds are on healthcare.

That's because the amphibianesque Mitch McConnell got kinda testy yesterday when he was asked about the extreme maleness of his Senate "working group" that will pick apart the House's train wreck of a healthcare bill. Although five of the Senate's 21 female members are Republicans, McConnell had passed them over when it came to discussing things like, oh, covering pregnancy and maternity care. "The working group that counts is all 52 of us," he said, pissily.

Okay, so if Turtle Man is insisting that 52 matters, let's dive a little deeper into the numbers.

The five GOP Senators who have vaginas instead of penises comprise less than 10 percent of the Republican caucus. However:
  • Women comprise a vast majority of the nursing profession.
  • Women comprise a majority of the allied health professions, like physical therapy, occupational therapy, radiation technology, pharmacy, etc.
  • Women are not only a majority of the US population, they comprise a much greater proportion of the healthcare consumer population. (They have babies, you know.)
  • Women spend more on healthcare than men do.
Yet for all these majorities of interest, Mitch McConnell is declaring that women will have just a 10-percent voice at the table in deciding what healthcare in the United States will look like for the next several generations. Pitiful.

Why is no one calling him on that? We cats HISS.

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