Saturday, January 19, 2019

About That Gillette Ad...

By Sniffles

Gillette has caught some blowback from its "We Believe" commercial, which is interesting since yesterday, on the National Mall, a scene from the ad played out in real life.

A Native American man was surrounded and taunted by a group of boys from Covington Catholic High School — that would be Covington, Kentucky, home state of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — who had gone to DC to participate in the March for Life. You won't be surprised to hear that they also were wearing red "Make America Great Again" hats. Ugh.

The Native American, Nathan Phillips, was participating in the Indigenous People's March, which was held the same day as the anti-choicers' confab. Phillips is a Vietnam veteran and a former director of the Native Youth Alliance.

Suffice it to say that whoever does media relations for this Kentucky high school is having a bad weekend. The school's contact information is all over social media, and Covington's administration has apologized and announced it's looking into expulsions. Meanwhile, people across the Twitter machine are attempting to out the Covington kids by name. We wish them great success in doing so, since these children's lives deserve to be ruined forever.

And now, all you MAGA miscreants and others who were offended by the Gillette ad: Please tell us again why it was so off-base? We cats dump our dirty litter boxes on your heads, and we HISS.

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