Monday, January 14, 2019

House GOP Steering Committee Meets, Confiscates Steve King's Hood

By Zamboni

Official Republican repudiation of hate in their ranks has been so unimpressive — and in Donald Trump's case, nonexistent — that we cats didn't expect much from House GOP leaders regarding racist hater Steve King from Iowa.

We still don't. But at least tonight they've decided that King, a nine-term representative, would be barred from all committee assignments in the 116th Congress. This means that Iowa will have no Republican voice at the committee level anywhere in the House.

King is not happy. "Leader McCarthy's decision to remove me from committees is a political decision that ignores the truth!" he bleated. ("Ignores the truth"? The dude wondered aloud when the term "white supremacist" had become "offensive.")

Anything unpleasant that happens to Steve King makes our day. (And makes Trump even grumpier than he already is, we suspect.) But we're also breaking into Cheshire cat grins to think that finally Republican leaders have felt some heat for their party's bigotry and intolerance — at least, enough to make them do something. We cats PURR.

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