Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wilbur, Bewildered

By Baxter

Wilbur Ross is in the news today, and not for a good reason. Actually, it's kinda been that way for awhile now, since Ross lied to Congress about that obscene citizenship question the Trumpsters want to add to the census. But today Ross hit a new low. He just doesn't have a clue about people who aren't as freaking rich as he is.

Speaking of furloughed federal workers who are about to miss their second paychecks tomorrow, Ross burbled, ""I know they are [going to food pantries] and I don’t really quite understand why."

Wilbur Ross may not be as pretty as Marie Antoinette was, but other than that it seems they have a lot in common. It's worth remembering that Ross, who is worth $700 million, has been seen in $500-a-pair velvet slippers with the seal of the Department of Commerce embroidered on them.

Madame Guillotine may not be waiting for Ross, but we sincerely hope that lying to Congress will get him hauled off to the hoosegow. Meanwhile, the Democratic ads for 2020 just keep writing themselves. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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