Thursday, January 10, 2019

Madam Super-Speaker

By Baxter

Remember the pundits who predicted that Donald Trump would benefit from a Democratic House of Representatives? Oh, how convinced they were: Trump relishes a fight, he loves having an enemy, he'd grow stronger from all the sparring.

Well, guess again.

Meanwhile, it's funny how nobody seemed to predict that same thing about Nancy Pelosi. But it's pretty clear that after only one week into her second Speakership, Pelosi's in full command — and Trump is slamming and flailing and storming and complaining.

Last time around, Pelosi served under a Democratic President, and despite her incredible legislative achievements, the pundits and prognosticators never gave her credit where credit was due. Now, she's up against a sociopath who's damaging the country in ways too numerous to count. And she's calling 'em like she sees 'em. Check out this press briefing from today, and the number of zingers she launched — all of them one hundred percent on target.

It's Pelosi who's stronger from the sparring, not Trump. When will the talking heads figure that out? We cats PURR and HISS at the same time.

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