Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Here's Mudd In Your Eye

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are watching the snow fall and the temperatures drop, but are feeling warm and happy inside — because we learned today that Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democratic response to the State of the Union. It's so fabulous that Chuck Schumer understands not just her powerful political presence but that African-American women are the backbone of our party. (P.S. Can we hire someone to text us when Benedict Donald is done? Because of course we won't be watching him.)

Meanwhile, we've been amazed at the bad week Coffee Man is having, even though it's only Tuesday.

From the Twitterverse to his in-person appearances (a spectator at his Barnes & Noble book-signing called him an "egotistical billionaire asshole"), to a hapless visit to "The View," Coffee Man is getting the equivalent of a boiling-hot latte thrown on him. And as an infuriating proponent of the "both sides are to blame" canard, he richly deserves the abuse.

How ironic that it all started with Coffee Man's interview on "60 Minutes" Sunday night. It's not the first time that CBS News has started a potential candidate down the road to disaster — and it probably won't be the last. But it sure is satisfying. We cats PURR.

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