Monday, January 28, 2019

Not "Both Sides" Now

By Zamboni

We cats are partial to a particular brand of coffee, which we buy in the grocery store and brew at home. But we're prepared to give it up if a certain bored billionaire decides to run for President as an independent.

If Coffee Man is so concerned about the state of the country, there are many other ways he can help save it. Throwing a ton of money to support voter registration and oppose voter suppression is the first thing that comes to mind. A number of other worthy efforts await.

But what we find most objectionable is Coffee Man's contention that both political parties are responsible for the mess we're in now. This "both-sides-ism" drives us nuts.

It wasn't the Democratic Party that decided to demonize rather than respectfully disagree with the opposition. That distinction belongs to the GOP and Lee Atwater (whom God later punished with a brain tumor and early death).

It wasn't the Democratic Party that ran hateful racist commercials appealing to white fear. It was Richard Nixon who instigated the GOP "Southern Strategy,' and George H.W. Bush's team that created the Willie Horton ad.

It wasn't Democrats who looked at an incoming President of the other party and vowed to never work with him, no matter what. That was the Republicans, smarting from 2008. Never mind that the country was deep in the throes of the Great Recession: The GOP still wouldn't give an inch — on the stimulus, or anything else (see "Garland, Merrick").

Finally, it wasn't the 2016 Democratic candidate who injected hate, insults and ugliness into the political discourse, or who colluded with a hostile foreign enemy to win the election. And it wasn't a Democratic President who shut down the government for more than a month over a racist campaign promise that he can't keep.

We could go on, but you get the picture. We're awfully glad that Coffee Man's big announcement went over about as flat and cold as yesterday's brew. Still, we cats are annoyed. And we HISS.

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