Friday, January 18, 2019

Our Worst Nightmare

By Hubie and Bertie

History refresher: Harry Truman could have run again for President in 1952, but decided not to.

Truman could have thrown his hat in the '52 ring because he had ascended to the Presidency just three months into Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth term. See, in 1947, Republicans in Congress were so shell-shocked by FDR's long reign that they passed a law establishing the 22nd Amendment, which was ratified by the states in 1951. The amendment limits any President to two terms, and it also addresses any Vice President who, like Truman, succeeds a President who dies in — or otherwise leaves — office.

To wit: A Vice President who fills an unexpired Presidential term lasting more than two years is disallowed from winning election as President more than once.

Why are we cats quoting this dry Constitutional stuff? Because impeachment and/or resignation chatter is cresting mightily inside the Beltway and on social media — thanks to Buzzfeed's scoop that Donald Trump instructed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress (a federal crime).

We'd advise everyone to cool their jets. Because unless Donald Trump resigns before January 21, 2019, the ever-execrable Mike Pence would not just succeed him, but be eligible to be President for the next 10 years. He could run as an incumbent in 2020 and in 2024.

Include us out. We would rather deal with a wounded and impotent Benedict Donald than be saddled with a religious fanatic and hater to whom the media would undoubtedly grant the honey-est of honeymoons. It's the stuff nightmares are made of. We cats HISS.

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