Saturday, January 12, 2019

Donald Trump, World's Largest Hairball

By Sniffles

We cats loathe Donald Trump, and have always thought the worst of him when it came to Russia. We knew that Vladimir Putin hated our candidate, Hillary Clinton, and we knew that Trump had business interests in the former Soviet Union and that nothing else mattered to him — not even the well-being of the United States of Amerca.

(We'll refrain from digressing into the Republicans' affinity for "Country First"-type slogans, but only because John McCain is no longer around to defend them.)

Anyhoo, yes — we have long been convinced that Trump is a Russian asset, and have even tweeted as much. Still and all, last night's New York Times story — about the FBI opening an investigation into same — hit us like a punch. We literally felt sick to our stomachs.

Now, The Washington Post has published a story about Trump keeping his Putin meetings secret. Does that mean that in the run-up to the Mueller report, we're getting a leak a day?

Maybe. But here's what we're still waiting for: media retrospectives on Hillary Rodham Clinton's warnings from 2016— about how dangerous Donald Trump was, how he would toe the Putin line on foreign policy, military decisions, national security... the whole nine yards.

Is there a reason we're not seeing replays of Hillary's predictions on the news, night after night? Asking for 65 million Americans who voted for the smart woman who wasn't a traitor. In the meantime, we cats HISS.

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