Friday, January 11, 2019

Oh, Say, Can You AOC

By Hubie and Bertie

When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat Joe Crowley in the Democratic Congressional primary in New York's 14th district, we cats were shocked — and sorry. We liked Joe. And we were certain of one thing: party-discipline-wise, this new House member was going to be a pain in the ass.

And so she's proven to be, in some ways. But House Democrats should cool their jets, because Republicans have made the very serious mistake of going after AOC themselves.

Trying to impugn her college-days dancing? Please. We cats are graceful as heck, but Ocasio-Cortez's moves are better than any of ours. Fake nude photos in The Daily Caller? Well, that went well, not. (There's also that little issue of FLOTUS posing bare-butted for real, but never mind.) For each one, AOC had a snappy comeback, and each backfired.

You wonder why the Republicans are so stupid as to target Ocasio-Cortez when they could just sit back and watch her roil her fellow Democrats — but then you remember how much the old white guys in the GOP want to control women. So right now, count us Democratic cats solidly in AOC's corner. We cats PURR.

P.S. This stupidity also extends to a certain former Senator and 2000 Vice Presidential nominee — whom Ocasio-Cortez just humiliated on the Twitter machine. Gosh! If anybody knows what it's like to not be the future of the Democratic Party, it's Joe Lieberman. We PURR again. 

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