Sunday, September 8, 2019

2020? Or 2024?

By Hubie and Bertie

There are so many reasons to impeach Benedict Donald that we cats have lost count. However, we're aware that impeachment is not merely a legal proceeding — it's a political one as well. Therefore, unlike a lot of tweeps, we've been very patient with Speaker Pelosi's approach to the subject: You have to build your case.

It seems, though, that Trump's emoluments violations may have proved the tipping point. It's alarming that he's conscripted the US military into his corruption, because — we think — he sees the military as his backstop should he lose big in 2020 and subsequently refuse to vacate the White House. But is it possible that Trump could be impeached and removed before next November's vote?

Color us skeptical. The Founders' system of checks and balances is ingenious, but it's not built for speed. Still and all, we should consider the possibility. Trump's behavior is so erratic lately that anything could happen between now and this time next year.

Meanwhile, three Republicans have decided to primary Trump next year: Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, and now, Mark Sanford — despite the GOP's decision to scrap Presidential primaries and caucuses in four states. But we suspect it's all about positioning for 2024 — the first election after Trump goes down in flames (we hope).

Assuming that he does, that we clear-thinking Americans get our country back, and that the Republican Party doesn't instantly implode, here's what we could be looking at five years from now.

There will be at least three lanes in the GOP: the Mike Pence lane, the "real" Trump lane (i.e., far, far to the right of Pence), and the Party of Lincoln lane (the few folks in the party who want to restore a semblance of normalcy). So let's play a game in the meantime: In which lane is each of the declared anti-Trump 2020 candidates running?

We think Sanford and Weld are in the Party of Lincoln lane. Walsh is in the "real" lane. Nobody's in the Pence lane — not even Pence.

This, of course, will all change multiple times, so don't hold us to it. First, Pence will be tarred by his obsequious spending at Trump properties and whatever else the House uncovers in its ongoing Russia investigations. Second, many potential candidates lurk in the wings: Haley, Flake, Romney, Sasse, Amash, and God knows who else.

What we can be certain of is that the Republican Party will be grappling with suffocating fallout from the political shitshow to end all shitshows. We cats aren't usually profane, but there's no other way to describe the era of Trump. And we PURR.

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