Friday, September 13, 2019

Cain Is Unable

By Baxter

You've probably heard about Briscoe Cain, a Republican state representative from Texas who fired off a threatening tweet to Beto O'Rourke last night that was a creepy echo of the Bobby Kennedy assassination. The O'Rourke campaign has reported Cain to the FBI.

Personally, we think that another tweep's characterization of an AR-15 as a "high-powered penis substitute" hilariously hijacked the conversation. But Beto, whatever his chances for the 2020 Democratic nomination, is definitely saying things that need to be said.

And Beto has history on his side here. Australia famously instituted a gun buyback program after a 1996 massacre of 35 people in Port Arthur, raking in 650,000 weapons in the process. Afterward, the country's rates of both murder and suicide dropped dramatically.

Yes, the Australian government at the time was center-right, and as we all know, only Nixon could go to China. But the NRA isn't what it used to be, and we're sensing an important shift in the national gun debate. Briscoe Cain's AR-15 might indeed be a penis substitute, and his pro-gun bluster a thing of the past. We cats PURR.

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