Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What Nice People.

By Sniffles

Every now and then it hits you like a wave — how genuinely awful Republicans, and especially Trumpsters, are.

Such as, you wouldn't even want to get behind them in line in the grocery store. See one coming your way on the sidewalk, and you run screaming across the street. The latest batch of reprobates, we're sorry to say, is particularly striking.

There's the newly-former GOP State Senator from Pennsylvania who was arrested for having child porn on his phone. That's just one small step down from abusing a 13-year-old with Jeffrey Epstein, you know? We weren't surprised when we heard he was a Republican. And if you check his Senate record, you see lots of interesting votes, like "yes" on protecting juvenile victims of human trafficking and on boosting interception of electronic communications. Oh, the irony!

Then we have a dude in Rhode Island who's pleaded guilty to threatening to go all Jeffrey Dahmer on a Harvard professor who supports reproductive rights. Matthew Haviland — a Trumpster, of course — expressed a particular interest in eating the professor's eyeballs. Haviland looks kind of like a harmless goof (see above), but he obviously isn't — since he could be hauled off to the hoosegow for up to five years. Good riddance.

Finally there's Trump himself, who never lets a day go by without acting like an ass. The latest is his reaction to the death of journalist Cokie Roberts. The Speaker of the House and the 44th President of the United States issued somber statements of appreciation. Trump said, "I never met her. She never treated me nicely."

Oh, Benedict Donald, STFU. We cats are not unbridled fans of Cokie Roberts, but does everything really have to be about you? How we long for a President who acts like a grownup. You make us hack up giant hairballs, and we HISS.

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