Wednesday, September 25, 2019

That Zelensky Moment

By Hubie and Bertie

Check out the look on the face of Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, as he nervously eyes Benedict Donald (who, as always, is perched like he's sitting on a toilet). Worse than a hostage video, it's closer to a beheading video — or would be, if any of the victims in those videos had known what was coming to them.

Oh, God, what is he going to say now? Welcome, Mr. Zelensky, to Americans' everyday reality.

But here's a cheery note to savor: It looks as if Trump has had a fright of his own. The New York Times reports that he was unprepared for Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of impeachment yesterday, because he had called her to schmooze about the whistleblower that very morning. Pelosi cut him off. "Mr. President," she said, "you have come into my wheelhouse."

Surprise! Perhaps the world now knows Benedict Donald's true Achilles' heel (aside from everything he is, says and does). He has deliciously underestimated the first House Speaker with intelligence community expertise. And on top of that, she's a woman, you know.

Later, Donald pouted. As far as he was concerned, he declared, Nancy Pelosi "is no longer Speaker of the House."

Considering that Trump is goosing reporters to ask Mike Pence about his own involvement in this treachery, perhaps he's right. Soon, Pelosi might not be "Madam Speaker" but "Madam President." We cats PURR.

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