Sunday, September 1, 2019

School Days, School Days

By Sniffles

Happy Labor Day Weekend! (Or, as they say in Canada, Labour Day.) It's the official end of summer and time for back to school. And this morning, we cats are noticing something interesting on the social media thingy. Parents are tweeting about the criteria they and their kids are using to choose a college or university.

No going to school in a state with lax gun laws, like open carry. That leaves out, for example, Rice University or the University of Texas at Austin. (And yesterday's shooting in Odessa is an uncomfortable reminder of that.)

No earning a college degree in states that don't protect reproductive rights. So forget about the University of Nebraska, Brigham Young, Purdue or Ohio State.

States that make it harder for university students to vote should also be crossed off the list. Republican Governor Chris Sununu will have to answer when attendance falls at the University of New Hampshire.

So, here's a suggestion for American parents: If you're finding it impossible to select a college in a state that allows your child to live like a free human being, perhaps consider Canada? McGill University in Montreal is the alma mater of both William Shatner, Leonard Cohen and Justin Trudeau. Might be cheaper, too. We cats PURR.

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