Monday, September 16, 2019

Suggestion Box.

By Miss Kubelik

We cats can't bring ourselves to watch the Democratic debates, mostly because we can't stand the punditheads and media pretty boys who moderate it. They totally buy into Republican talking points when they ask their questions, so why should we bother?

Unless, of course, the DNC decided to invite subject matter experts as moderators — not blow-dried idiots like David Muir.

We're thinking Fred Guttenberg on gun violence, Madeleine Albright on foreign policy, Sarah Kendzior on America's slide into autocracy, and Cecile Richards on reproductive rights and healthcare. Would that be possible? If so we cats would be glued to the set.

Moderators like these would ask the questions that need to be asked. And maybe we'd get the answers that America needs to hear. If that happens, we cats would PURR.

(PHOTO: Getty Images)

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