Monday, September 16, 2019

Whatever Works.

By Hubie and Bertie

Look, everybody: There's no guarantee that America will have a free and fair election next year. We're seeing alarming reports about Russian penetration into voter registration data in swing states — and the Republicans, traitors all, are doing nothing to protect us. So we have to go after these Quislings with all the ammunition we have.

Which is why we're thrilled that New York State prosecutors have subpoenaed Benedict Donald's tax returns going back to 2011. The target: payments to Stormy Daniels to hush her up about Trump's tiny dick. (Oops, did we say that?) But who knows what else they'll find? Quite a treasure trove about the Trump crime syndicate, we think.

We cannot let Trump enablers in the GOP squawk about process here. Screw them. We need to pour as much fire onto the enemy as we possibly can. Whatever brings the bastards down, will bring them down. The very future of the American experiment in democracy is at stake.

So if Trump is impeached or convicted — or not impeached or convicted and run out of office on a rail, we'll see — because he paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels and not because he colluded with Vladimir Putin to destroy the US? We'll take it. As long as we prevail. Afterward, history will judge him for the rest. We cats PURR.

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