Friday, September 27, 2019

"Have You Read The Assignment?"

By Baxter

How many of us have been tortured by a teacher or professor for the sin of arriving to class without having to read the background materials? (That, of course, wouldn't include those of us who have been canny enough to teach books we haven't read. Those geniuses are few and far between.)

We cats flashed on this phenomenon because of the incredible number of lamebrain Republican Senators who have pleaded ignorance on the Ukraine whistleblower complaint. "Haven't read it." "Haven't read it." "Haven't read it, but if you want to talk about ethanol..."

Fie on them. This is, as people less refined than we are would say, bullshit.

There are any number of responses to the Republican "I haven't read it" dodge. They include:

1. Do your effing job.

2. So, what you're saying is that you don't care at all about the security of the United States?

3. So, what I hear you saying is that you're not concerned about the fragile state of democracy in Eastern Europe, and that you prefer that Vladimir Putin run roughshod over former Soviet republics without constraint?

4. If this thing is really about Joe Biden, why haven't you read it?

5. When will you read it? When will you have an extra 10 minutes? Isn't there one fundraising call you can put off — particularly given how popular the President is, and how close you are to him and his campaign — to take the time to read seven well-written pages?

6. Does this mean you still haven't read the Mueller Report?

We cats HISS.

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