Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We Had The Bullhorn. Where's The Bully Pulpit?

By Sniffles

It's "only" been 18 years, but how things have changed since the Twin Towers first fell.

Osama bin Laden is dead (thanks, President Obama), a new tower has risen, and calming fountains fill the old towers' footprints. On the other hand, a few things are the same. We're still in Afghanistan, for example.

But the biggest change is in the Republican Party. Having once demanded fealty to the heroes of 9/11, they now couldn't care less.

How do we know? Today, Republicans in the North Carolina State Legislature promised their Democratic colleagues that no important votes would be taken during a September 11 memorial event. And then, once the Democrats had trooped off to commemorate, they promptly overrode the Democratic Governor's veto of the state budget.

In short, the hell with honoring the victims of 9/11! We must slash money for schools behind the Democrats' backs!

Decent people everywhere have expressed outrage at this. But you know who it would be especially nice to hear from? George W. Bush. That's right, the former Worst Person Who's Ever Lived — at least until Benedict Donald came along — needs to say something.

It was Bush who stood on the rubble pile with that stupid bullhorn, pledging to hunt down the 9/11 perpetrators and to always remember the dead. Sure, he was a hypocrite about a lot of it — invading a country that didn't attack us, for example. But we sure would appreciate it if he could tear himself away from his third-rate artist's easel for five minutes and condemn this. Until he does, we cats HISS.

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