Sunday, September 15, 2019

Okay, But This Should Be A Cat

By Zamboni

We cats can remember a time, not so long ago, when Republican talking heads like David Frum, Jennifer Rubin and Ana Navarro really made us hack up hairballs. How amazing is it that today, in our Great Trumpian Darkness, we find ourselves eagerly turning to their comments and their tweets. They are truly outraged at Benedict Donald, and they never stop saying so.

Here's an example that reminded us anew: Ana has tweeted that she met up with Joe Biden today in Miami. Joe Biden! Did Navarro, newly married to the former chairman of the Florida Republican Party, for God's sake, ever envision a day when she'd seek out the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination? And did we ever imagine that she'd look up at him with such an adoring smile?

Here's what she wrote: 

"Chacha met her Uncle Joe Biden in Miami today. We both think America should never again elect (even though not by the popular vote) a President who is not capable of showing affection to animals. It’s a bad, bad sign." (We don't know what that "Uncle" bit is about, but once again, we completely agree.)

There will come a time when Ana and her ilk make us hack up hairballs again. In fact, we can't wait — because it will mean things are back to normal. In the meantime, we say: Way to go, girl. We cats PURR.

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