Saturday, September 21, 2019

Unqualified (With Or Without Turban)

By Zamboni

We cats have this feeling that Megan McCain is not long for "The View." Not that we watch it, mind you — we just run across tweets and news flashes when she acts up on the set, which seems to be quite often. (Wearing strange turbans included.)

Now, McCain has walked off the set after an altercation with Ana Navarro, who had the nerve to tell Megan to stop yelling at her. From what we hear, she returned eventually — but gee, if you needed evidence that McCain was elevated to a position that she couldn't handle just because of her last name, this was it. (Not unlike Ivanka Trump trying to horn in on that world-leader conversation at the G-20, and getting brutally cut for it.)

The most striking thing about the McCain-Navarro dust-up is that we instantly knew which side we were on. There was a time not so long ago when we would have said "a pox on both your houses." Today, in the time of Trump, there's no question: Go, Ana! We cats PURR.

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