Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Burning Memories

By Hubie and Bertie

When Jimmy Carter was President, he installed solar panels on the roof of the White House. In January 1981, when Ronald and Mommy Reagan moved in, they ripped the solar panels out.

It's a handy snapshot of Reagan's status as the first Republican President to turn his party away from its traditional commitment to environmental protection. (Don't forget that the EPA was created in the Nixon Administration. Strange to remember now, but true!)

So it's supremely satisfying today to see that the Ronnie and Mommy Library is under siege from a wildfire that just sprang up in Simi Valley. Because we all know that California would not be burning as much if it weren't for climate change.

Area residents seem to think their homes will be safe because firefighters will do everything they can to protect the library. We wish those homeowners well — but as for Ronnie and Mommy? Let them burn. We cats HISS.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

If I were a homeowner in the fire zone, I'd be pissed that they were more concerned with saving Reagan's library than saving my home.