Saturday, October 5, 2019

Mitt Romney Is Very Concerned.

By Baxter

Leaving out a crowd of Trumpsters, of course, there is perhaps no group more repulsive than the Republican caucus in the United States Senate.

America has rarely seen such a gaggle of milksops, cowards and quislings — every one of them utterly unprincipled. #MoscowMitch is by far the worst, but folks like Lady Lindsey Graham, Baby Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson give him plenty of competition. (Johnson, it seems, learned that Benedict Donald was committing impeachable offenses some time ago, and didn't tell anybody. Nice!)

They're so bad, in fact, that Willard Mitt Romney is emerging as a shining star — or at least as someone who's willing to speak out (if gingerly) on Trump's treason. Shaking down Ukraine's President — "by all appearances," Willard cautions, giving himself an out just in case — was "wrong" and "appalling." Stand back, everyone, Mitt Romney is appalled!

We probably shouldn't come down too hard on Willard, though — we need to give him some room to criticize Trump so others of his caucus (besides Ben Sasse) may follow. We chalk it up to the fact that his unctuousness still manages to grate, even after all these years.

What mystifies us is why Romney refuses to blister the Twittersphere with a ton of "I told you so's." Remember how back in 2012 he said Russia was America's most dangerous enemy, and everybody (including us) laughed at him? That he doesn't scream about this today is just more proof that he's an incurable poltroon. Well, at least he managed to get a furious rise out of his party's leading traitor. We cats HISS.

IMAGE: Willard and Trump, late 2016. The expressions say it all.

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