Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Vote, Schmote

By Hubie and Bertie

Take it from us cats, nobody out there in America is furrowing a brow and fussing because the House isn't holding a formal vote on impeaching Benedict Donald. To claim that an impeachment inquiry is illegitimate without one — a.k.a., the Republicans' desperate talking point — is, to put it delicately, crap.

No vote is required. It would be primarily symbolic: to underscore the strength of the argument for or against impeachment. And since Democrats are in charge of the House, Democrats get to decide what symbolism to employ when. Republicans, who have raped and pillaged most rules and traditions during their majorities on Capitol Hill, can stop their whining.

Ditto the lefties we've seen on Twitter who are wringing their hands at Speaker Pelosi again. Take a hike, kids. Nancy knows what she's doing.

Of course she's protecting her majority at all costs. But it's a lot more than that. She's proven already that she has an exquisite sense of timing. "He will self-impeach," she famously said. And her earlier reluctance gives her ever-more credibility on moving forward now.

So what if they don't have a vote? Think about it. The House committees are by all accounts hearing some hair-stand-on-end, goosebump-raising testimony from national security folks this week, and it's only Tuesday. Let's allow the evidence to pile up and the process to work.

Okay? Okay. That settled, we cats are going to go back to worrying about those nukes we have in Turkey. And we HISS.

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