Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Man Behind The Curtain

By Miss Kubelik

As Donald Trump flops and flails, we cats would like to take a moment to speak up for the Wizard of Oz.

We've seen a lot of references to the scene from the 1939 film classic in which Dorothy's resourceful Toto reveals the Wizard for who he is. "Pay no attention," Frank Morgan desperately commands, but it's too late: Oz is unmasked.

The latest talking head to compare the undraped wizard to the weakened Trump is David Axelrod, who observed, "It's deflating when the curtain is pulled back and the Wizard of Oz is a little guy." Last month, Senator Kamala Harris slammed Trump on international trade in a Democratic debate, saying, "You know, when you pull back the curtain, it’s a really small dude."

Yes, the metaphor is useful. But Trump and the Wizard, while both frauds, couldn't be more different. Donald Trump is a monster. The Wizard? Not so much.

"You're a very bad man," a disappointed Dorothy says when all is revealed.

"Oh, no, my dear," the Wizard replies, clearly pained. "I'm a very good man. I'm just a very bad wizard."

One con man understands his limitations. The other never will. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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