Friday, October 11, 2019

Cory, Cornered

By Sniffles

Maybe there's hope for journalism after all. Watch how this group of reporters declines to let embattled Republican Senator Cory Gardner from Colorado skate on the crucial question of whether a President should ask a foreign country for dirt on a domestic political opponent.

Gardner tries to evade by using a carefully crafted talking point. But nobody lets him slide. One after another, they ask the same thing. When he insists he's answered, they refuse to accept it.

You could say that Cory Gardner is feeling mighty endangered in his 2020 re-election bid. Good. You could also say that journalists should take note of what their colleagues did here, and follow suit. Their marching orders boil down to these:

Just do your job. If any of it isn't clear, go back to journalism school.

Always hold elected officials to account.

Remember that you must hang together, or most assuredly you will all hang separately. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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