Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Miscreants Of October

By Sniffles

We cats have been around the block a few times, so we don't get ruffled fast — but now let's just say we're freaking out.

We're already upset about how Benedict Donald and the Trumpsters have been breaking the law and trampling on the Constitution, but this afternoon, things got exponentially worse. This letter contains the ravings of a madman. (If the above image isn't clear, read the whole thing here.)

Today, it feels like our nation is in the greatest danger since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Thankfully, back then we had a brilliant and thoughtful President. Now, we've got someone who should be locked in a padded room. And we still don't know where 60 of our nuclear weapons are — we only know they're in Turkey. We cats HISS.

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