Saturday, October 12, 2019

Let's Start The Romney Rumors

By Baxter

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who will surely go back to being a pain in the ass once the Trump nightmare is over, has made a suggestion: The GOP should nominate Willard "Mitt" Romney in 2020.

"If Trump is forced out or forced not to run for re-election, Romney would be an excellent choice for Republicans desperate to eradicate Trump’s stain on the party," she wrote yesterday.

We cats are all for this. It's hard to think of a quicker way for the Republican Party to commit hara-kiri than to renominate its losing candidate from 2012. And not just because we remember Willard's extensive limitations — "47 percent," the 20-car elevator garage, the prancing ponies, that annoying, elitist wife who uses language like "you people"... Don't get us started.

Thing is, do you know how many factions of the GOP would erupt in rage at the prospect of a Willard Walk-on?

Obviously, the addle-brained Benedict Donald base would immediately start picking up their guns and revving their motorcycles, ready to ring the White House and defend their god. We know from old posts by our friends the Freepers how much those guys revile Romney. So, peel them away immediately.

Then there are the evangelicals, who adore Trump even though he's cheated on all three wives and has paid for who knows how many abortions. A good chunk of them would revolt just because their right-wing-judge-appointing hero has been impeached or dumped. They're not going to forget Romney's criticisms of Trump, no matter how tacit (which, as we know, is Willard's way).

Add in the other chunk of evangelicals who are deeply suspicious of the Mormon faith. It's the one thing we have in common with them, although for different reasons.

The only Republicans Romney would appeal to are the shrinking class of inside-the-Beltway pundits like Rubin, superrich corporate donors, Wall Streeters, foreign policy wonks and leftover Bushies (George Senior/Junior and Jeb acolytes) who dream of returning to "good old days" that were, TBH, not that good for the rest of us. Although dumping Donald and enraging the Trump base may spell problems for George P. Bush's political career down the road... so, it's complicated.

It all sounds great to us. A nominate-Romney scenario could not only tear the GOP apart but spur a true-believer Trumpster candidate to run as a third-party spoiler. (Maybe Benedict Donald himself, who knows?) Anyway, what's not to love? We cats PURR.

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