Friday, October 18, 2019

Military Madness, Still Killing The Country

By Zamboni

We cats were underwhelmed by General James Mattis's appearance at the Al Smith Dinner last night. Har har, what a lot of guffawing over the idiot in the White House: "Bone spurs," "overrated," "Meryl Streep." Sorry, General, but the time for jokes is over. Don't yuk it up or try to sell more of your stupid books: TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW.

We were similarly unimpressed by Admiral William McRaven's op-ed in The New York Times. It was way too much Fort Bragg parade ground, too little Trump. And he lost us when he reported that a general grabbed his arm and said, "I don't like the Democrats, but..."

Don't like the Democrats? What an excellent reason to stop reading. First, we are the sane alternative to Benedict Donald and the craven, cowardly party that's allowed him to hijack them. Second, it rankles to hear that from a military guy — even though it's been 17 years since the Bushies stole a triple-amputee Democratic war hero's Senate seat by linking him to Osama bin Laden, and 15 years since we nominated a distinguished Vietnam veteran whose service Republican acolytes brutally trashed. We cats, like elephants, never forget.

Meanwhile, it's clear that rank-and-file military members are seething with an anger at Trump that their leaders are incapable of expressing. Who hasn't read the reports of troops who are furious to be deserting the Kurds? "I am ashamed for the first time in my career," said one. Bet these guys will have a lot of PTSD from being forced to turn tail.

America needs a leader in the Armed Forces to speak up for those who serve — and for the rest of us. Yes, we know that in the United States, civilians, not the military, are in charge. But these are no ordinary times. So until we see a dude (or dudette) sporting not just brass but balls, we cats HISS.

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