Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Lest We Furrget: Barr Was Definitely Not A Mitzvah

By Hubie and Bertie

Pundits are generally in agreement that Susan Collins of Maine is one of the Senators on the Republicans' 2020 endangered list. Most trace it back, accurately, to her vote to confirm teen rapist Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Happy near-anniversary, Susie!

Maine Democrats have five candidates running in their Senate primary. Our favorite happens to be Sara Gideon, Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives — but no matter who the Democratic candidate will be, Collins's Kavanaugh vote has raised the ire of thousands of activists, who have so far raised nearly $5 million to put her out to pasture.

With the Trump impeachment looming, though, it's dawned on us that there's another vote that Collins needs to answer for: confirming William Barr as Attorney General.

Barr, as you've probably noticed, is working mighty hard to top John Mitchell, Richard Kleindienst, Ed Meese and Alberto Gonzales on the "Worst AG Ever" list. Two of those dudes we just mentioned went to jail, and the other two were just flat-out awful. Barr, meanwhile, seems intent on acting not as the nation's leading law enforcer but as Benedict Donald's top law-breaking excuser. The Founders must be spinning in their graves right now (not to mention principled Republican AGs like Elliot Richardson).

So, yes, let's make all the GOP Senators defend not just their Kavanaugh votes but their Barr votes. (And if the Republican Senate Campaign Committee wants to do the same to Demcratic Senators Doug Jones, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for theirs — well, boys, have at it. We don't see their constituents — particularly in Alabama and West Virginia — resenting them for Barr.)

We propose this from our comfortable perch of having a US Senator who has voted more times against a Trump nominee than any of her colleagues. Take a bow, Kirsten Gillibrand. We cats PURR.

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