Thursday, November 14, 2019

Article II, Section 4

By Sniffles

"Kids! Don't try this at home!" We cats of a certain age remember that admonishment from our kittenhoods — a warning to us youngsters not to attempt the daring feats that our TV heroes performed unscathed.

It looks like someone should have said that to Benedict Donald's merry band of haters and traitors. Because not only are they selfish, grifting and malevolent, they're clueless.

Exhibit "A" is Gordon Sondland, a hotel manager from Oregon who got his important job — Ambassador to the European Union — thanks to a $1 million donation to Trump's inaugural boondoggle. Clearly a sign of the low regard in which Benedict Donald holds the EU.

But as it turns out, Sondland's appointment was fateful. Because he oddly became the bag boy for the Ukrainian shakedown (Ukraine is not even an EU member), and since he's been caught in almost-perjury before Congress, he could strike a crippling blow to Trump's nightmare Presidency when he testifies to the House next week.

He already has, in fact — by placing an unsecured cellphone call to Trump from a restaurant in Kyiv, with everyone at the table (and surely Vladimir Putin) able to listen in. Sondland was stupid enough to do that, and stupid enough to tell aides, "Trump cares more about the Bidens than Ukraine." And Trump, of course, was stupid enough to take Sondland's call (and talk very loudly on it as well).

Contrast all this lunacy with the Speaker of House and her Democrats, who so far have handled the impeachment with precision and smarts. We've already commented on Nancy Pelosi's masterful performance. Today, we saw more: With no hearings until tomorrow, the Speaker stepped up to the lectern for a press conference (something the White House "press secretary" never does), threw delicious shade at Trump, and purposely — very purposely — used the word "bribery."

'Cuz it's in the Constitution, ya'll. You could look it up. We cats PURR.

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