Sunday, November 24, 2019

Yes, Please Ask Our Opinion

By Hubie and Bertie

The media's obsession with the red-hat crowd is frustrating. It seems like every time we turn around, there's another "analysis" of Trump voters or maybe-could-be Trump voters or, at the very least, all those white, working-class dudes WHOSE OPINIONS WE ARE SICK OF. Thank you for allowing us to shout.

Why don't reporters ever interview us, we wonder? Okay, we're cats. But why aren't journalists captivated by suburbanites who hate Donald Trump and can't wait to vote his ass out of office? There are many, many more of those folks than the MAGA crowd. (Because as we know, Benedict Donald's road shows draw the same people, over and over — who end up drifting out early because, well, they know how it ends.)

Well, until reporters recognize that other people besides Trumpsters live in America, we'll content ourselves with this summary of the voting in Virginia this month. It has interesting portents for next year:

1. Turnout was up, with most of those extra folks voting Democratic.

2. Voters are realigning to the Democratic Party even if they don't agree with every policy in our platform, because they're so turned off by the nativism and the hate of the GOP.

3. Trump damaged Republican candidates who otherwise would have had a chance.

So, asked The Roanoke Times, "is this the 'new normal,' or will future elections revert to the lower turnout of the past?" Seems to us that if Benedict Donald is at the top of the ticket and in control of the GOP, there will be no such reversion in 2020. We cats PURR.

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