Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"Outlandish," Indeed

By Hubie and Bertie

On a day of momentous impeachment testimony from two sober and seasoned career diplomats, the Republicans just couldn't help themselves: They threw around a lot of nonsense, hoping that something, anything, would stick. Even our own Congresswoman helped kick things off with some snippy questions for Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (who promptly shut her down).

But nothing since the Chairman gaveled today's hearing to a close has been more — shall we use Steve Castor's favorite word? — "outlandish" than Republicans on the other side of Capitol Hill secretly scheming to hold a long Senate trial so as to disrupt the campaigns of Democratic Senators running for President.

We cats have opined on that before, and our response was "So what?" By now, all Democratic candidates should have their organizations firmly entrenched, without having to rely solely on performances on the stump. And magic trial moments could be a tonic for Senators like Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, who despite their prodigious talents could probably use a little shot in the arm. (On the other hand, if you think a trial would cause Senate Democrats problems, you quickly realize that Republicans are afraid of one Senator in particular — Elizabeth Warren.)

But there's one candidate who doesn't have a day job and could campaign to his heart's content: Joe Biden. You know, the guy Benedict Donald was blackmailing Ukraine over? In the midst of a Senate trial, Biden would have the retail-politics arena practically to himself (which is a good thing, because he should be doing more of it). What an opportunity — even Pete Buttigieg would have to drag himself back to South Bend to earn his paycheck from time to time.

In short, as usual, the GOP is making no sense. We assume they'll only get more "outlandish" from here. We cats PURR.

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