Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Beshear Madness

By Hubie and Bertie

Now that Kentucky has just elected a Democratic Governor (less than one day after Benedict Donald was there campaigning), we cats have a few thoughts.

Thanks for turning out the vote, Trump!

Don't mess with teachers' unions. Even in red states.

Even in Kentucky, people are tired of Donald Trump. Perhaps Rand Paul will regret not keeping his distance.

Everyone needs to send money to Amy McGrath in her Senate race against Mitch McConnell. RIGHT NOW. Goodness gracious, but McConnell must be having kittens tonight.

And finally, some earlier reporting (ominous for Benedict Donald) from Robert Costa of The Washington Post: "I spent the day the Senate, talking with Republicans. They are all paying close attention to the Kentucky gubernatorial race. They are not just watching the returns, but President Trump's political capital as they make decisions about how to handle impeachment and their own future."

We cats PURR.

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