Sunday, November 3, 2019

What A Difference A "D" Makes

By Zamboni

Democrats are so close to majorities in the Virginia legislature. On Tuesday, if they flip just two seats in each house, they're in completely charge. ('Cuz last we checked, Ralph Northam and Justin Fairfax were still Governor and Lt. Governor. Funny how those things work.)

If that happens, Virginians could see tremendous improvements in their quality of life. With Democrats running the show, the people of the Old Dominion could get easier access to voting, better environmental protection, a higher minimum wage, more effective gun control, protections for LGBTQ citizens, and more. All the things that we believe in and that the GOP has blocked — for a ton of reasons, but mostly, we think, because Republicans just don't like anyone who isn't white, male, Christian (or pretending to be), straight (ditto) and rich.

Virginia's results will be the most interesting to follow Tuesday night. Sure, those gubernatorial races in Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi will be fascinating, too, but a Democratic wave in Virginia could be a harbinger of what's in store for the GOP and the hideous, democracy-destroying Trumpsters who hold the party hostage. One encouraging sign so far: The number of absentee ballots in Virginia has zoomed — more returned by the middle of last week than for the entire election in 2015.

The more people who exercise the franchise, the better Democrats do — which is why Republicans have tried so hard for so many years now to suppress the vote. They can't win unless they gerrymander, cheat or commit treason. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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