Friday, November 8, 2019

Is The Bloomberg Already Off The Rose?

By Baxter

So, Michael Bloomberg: We cats get the feeling that there are lots of problems. Number one, we're not seeing a groundswell of support for him in our corner of the Twittersphere. Also, when he was in charge of New York, he was the "nanny-Mayor." Plus, he's short, Jewish, 77 years old, and a billionaire — as if we need more old white guys in the race.

On the other hand, let us consider the following.

Remember those giant sodas he crusaded against in New York? Each one is equal to 87 CUBES OF SUGAR. Tell us that's not bad for you.

A candidate with his money could skip all the early states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — and go right to Super Tuesday. Don't forget that unlike the GOP, the Democratic Party is actually conducting a primary. Bloomberg could wait to see how the field shook itself out, and then make his move.

Bloomberg would have to fall on his sword on stop-and-frisk if he would have any hope of attracting minority voters. But if he got the nomination and then chose Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams as his running mate, he might be interestingly electable.

Bottom line? The most attractive thing about Michael Bloomberg is that he would drive Donald Trump crazy. Because unlike Benedict Donald, Bloomberg is a real billionaire. Get back to us with more information, Mike. In the meantime, we cats maybe, or maybe not, PURR.

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