Friday, November 15, 2019

Inherit The Trump

By Baxter

At the end of one of our favorite plays, Inherit the Wind — about the Scopes trial in 1926 — the teacher who taught evolution in his classroom has been convicted, but only with a token fine. In the classic 1960 film of the play, the great actor Frederic March, as the Christian crusader Matthew Harrison Brady, rails at the godless evolutionists — while the radio folks (and the world) have moved on.

We cats thought about this as Republican Jim Jordan screamed at Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff at the end of today's impeachment hearing. Jordan was demanding time to respond to Schiff's closing statement, but Schiff — secure in his power as committee chairman — was having none of it. The Republicans were drowned out by a standing ovation, which the Democrats gave Yovanovich when she left the hearing room after adjournment.

The Republicans were left to disperse and reconvene for a desultory press scrum, in which they continued to complain about process, and addressed none of the substance of the ambassador's testimony. But it was whimpering compared to the crashing and burning of Trump.

If Benedict Donald had been present in the hearing room, his blustering would have been ignored and dismissed by the vagaries of the crowd. We cats love this, and we PURR.

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