Thursday, November 7, 2019

"Senator John Kennedy, You're No John Kennedy"

By Sniffles

We cats recently had a chat with a nonpolitical acquaintance, who said that his co-workers have been pretty mean to each other lately. He gingerly wondered if politics was the reason.

He brought it up, not us. And of course, we emphatically agreed.

People are treating each other like sh*t? Trump's to blame. Even for folks who don't scarf up political news like Kitten Chow, or who don't give a moment's thought to who's President for weeks on end, Benedict Donald has been an intrusive, unwelcome, poisonous presence. His insulting, infantile behavior breaks through, forcing people to deal with it. It's wearying.

Surely that's one of the reasons support for impeachment skyrocketed so fast after the Ukraine news broke. If Trump hadn't been so awful for the last three years, voters would be much more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Americans are exhausted. Impeach and convict.

We're seeing it with other Trumpsters, too. Republican Senator John Neely Kennedy is feeling the heat today for calling Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi "dumb" at a Trump rally in Louisiana last night. You might think that a Senator who sees a doofus staring back at him every time he looks in the mirror might refrain from comments like that. "I didn't mean it as disrespectful at all," he bleated today. Hm.

There's some consolation in the fact that Kennedy is getting pushback on this. But in the meantime, you know that all the vitriol and disrespect is seeping down, down, down into people's hearts and minds. Ugh.

It's another grave misdeed that we must lay not just at the feet of Trump but of the whole Republican Party, which, for the sake of a tax cut for the One Percent and a slew of conservative judges, has refused to stand up for decency. Here's how former GOP Congressman David Jolly described his erstwhile Republican colleagues: "Spineless politicians, rotten to the core, without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self-respect, self-reflection, without courage and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence."

We cats couldn't agree more, and we HISS.

P.S. Headline credit goes to that brilliant tweeter, Preet Bharara.

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