Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Mountain Too Big For The GOP To Climb

By Baxter

Is Washington State any kind of a bellwether for this year's election? Yes, Washington is blue, but even taking that into account, some dramatic shifts are continuing there.

The 2018 election gave Democrats solid majorities in the state legislature, and now they seem on track to go so deeply blue that they'll make Virginia look like a Republican stronghold.

Going into 2018, Democrats had a 13-point lead in pollsters' generic-ballot questions. (That's a question that asks whether respondents intend to vote for Republicans or Democrats in the next election.) And that November, Washington voters elected Democratic majorities of 57 to 41 in the state house and 28 to 21 in the state senate. Today, Washington State Democrats hold a 17-point lead on the generic ballot. Four points better!

Not only should Republicans give up any dreams of recapturing those state legislative seats, when you dig down into the numbers, the news looks even grimmer for them. GOP fortunes have virtually vanished in the big cities, are getting increasingly slim in suburbs, and are even starting to erode in nearby rural areas.

This is what happens when you embrace hate and greed, care only about the white and the wealthy, and put a gangster and a cretin in the highest office in the land. The people reject you. We cats PURR.

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