Sunday, January 5, 2020

Still Accentuating The Positive

By Hubie and Bertie

The news continues to be awful. Benedict Donald's obsession with destroying Barack Obama's legacy has extended to the last vestiges of the Iran nuclear deal. (In other words, erasing everything Obama did is more important to Trump than world safety. And oh, he's threatening war crimes on Twitter.) And Australia is still on fire. So we cats went in search of stories to cheer us up. Here's what we found.

Australia may be devastated and its Prime Minister a hapless idiot, but help is on the way: Comedian Celeste Barber has raised $28 million online for firefighting and relief efforts, with huge contributions from sports and entertainment celebrities. Keep it up, everyone!

The New England Patriots lost yesterday. We couldn't care less about football, but we do care that Tom Brady is a Trump fan. HAHAHAHAHA.

Another Republican House member is retiring — the 26th so far. Gee, life isn't so fun in the minority, is it, guys? Phil Roe's Tennessee district is a red one, but we're rooting for an expensive, divisive primary, to eat up GOP energies and resources.

Thousands of people, including Governor Andrew Cuomo and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, marched against anti-Semitism in New York City's "No Hate No Fear" event this morning.

Finally, Walter Mondale turns 92 today. We cats PURR.

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