Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Wally For President

By Baxter

American democracy is dying in the United States Senate, but all anybody can talk about is how Hillary Clinton said mean things about Bernie Sanders.

"Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it," she says in a documentary that's premiering at Sundance in a few days.

GASP! Clinton speaking her mind after a long silence is apparently worse — worse! — than Sanders claiming he never told Elizabeth Warren that a woman can't get elected, and way more awful than Zephyr Teachout, a Sanders surrogate, accusing Joe Biden of corruption — the very thing Trump wants to tar him with — in an op-ed. For the Teachout piece, Sanders has been forced to apologize. Never mind that his campaign had tweeted it out to all corners of the universe.

What we're saying here is that there's a lot of hypocrisy going on. Although it seems like Clinton beamed in with this opinion from out of nowhere, it's happening in the following context: Bernie Sanders's behavior of late has been less than admirable. Well before today, he went negative on other Democrats — and on the eve, no less, of the Iowa caucuses, where he sits at or near the top of most polls. Why? Why do that unless your purpose in life is to simply be a pain in the ass?

So while we can't testify to whether "nobody" likes Bernie Sanders, Secretary Clinton can speak for us. We don't like Bernie Sanders. At all. In fact, we pretty much loathe him.

That said, if the Democrats nominate him, we'll vote for him. Why?

The future of the country is at stake. Ditto the fate of the planet. The enemy is Trump. If the Democrats nominate Wally Cox, we're voting for Wally Cox. It's that important. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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